The Benefits of Using Zinc Oxide in Animal Feed Grade: A Comprehensive Guide

Zinc oxide is a popular mineral compound known for its numerous benefits across various industries, including the animal feed industry. Animal feed grade zinc oxide is a specially formulated version of zinc oxide that is safe and effective for use in animal feed. Zinc is an essential nutrient for animal growth, development, and overall health. However, due to its low bioavailability in feed, zinc oxide is often used as a supplement to ensure that animals receive an adequate amount of this vital mineral. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of using zinc oxide in animal feed grade and the importance of sourcing high-quality zinc oxide from reputable suppliers.

The Role of Zinc Oxide in Animal Feed

Zinc oxide is commonly used as a supplement in animal feed to provide animals with an adequate amount of zinc. Zinc plays a crucial role in animal growth and development, as it is essential for various physiological processes, including protein synthesis, immune function, and DNA synthesis. Zinc oxide is added to animal feed in small quantities, usually as a powder, to ensure that animals receive a sufficient amount of this vital nutrient.

Zinc oxide is particularly important in the growth and development of young animals. Inadequate zinc intake can lead to growth retardation, skeletal abnormalities, and other health issues. Additionally, zinc has been found to improve immune function in animals, which can help prevent disease and infection.

Another important function of zinc oxide in animal feed is aiding in digestion and nutrient absorption. Zinc plays a vital role in the synthesis and secretion of digestive enzymes and is necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. Zinc also helps in the absorption of other essential minerals such as iron and calcium.

In addition to its role in animal growth and development, zinc oxide has been shown to be effective in treating and preventing diarrhea in animals. Zinc oxide helps to restore the balance of gut microflora, which can become disrupted during periods of stress or illness. This can help to prevent the onset of diarrhea, a common health issue in animals, and improve their overall health and well-being.

Benefits of Zinc Oxide in Animal Feed

  1. Promotes growth and development in young animals: Zinc is essential for growth and development in young animals, and a deficiency in this mineral can lead to stunted growth, delayed sexual maturity, and poor reproductive performance. Zinc oxide supplementation in animal feed helps promote healthy growth and development in young animals.
  2. Improves immune function in animals: Zinc plays a critical role in the immune system, and a deficiency in this mineral can weaken the immune response, leaving animals susceptible to infections and diseases. Zinc oxide supplementation in animal feed helps improve immune function in animals, increasing their ability to fight off infections and diseases.
  3. Aids in digestion and nutrient absorption: Zinc oxide also plays a role in digestion and nutrient absorption in animals. Zinc helps maintain the integrity of the gut lining and supports the function of digestive enzymes, allowing animals to absorb nutrients from their feed more efficiently.
  4. Helps prevent and treat diarrhea in animals: Diarrhea is a common problem in young animals and can lead to dehydration and weight loss. Zinc oxide supplementation in animal feed has been shown to help prevent and treat diarrhea in animals, improving their overall health and wellbeing.

Scientific Evidence Supporting the Use of Zinc Oxide in Animal Feed

Several scientific studies have been conducted to evaluate the benefits of zinc oxide in animal feed. One study published in the Journal of Dairy Science found that the addition of zinc oxide to the diet of dairy cows improved their milk yield and protein content. The study also showed that zinc oxide supplementation reduced the incidence of mastitis, a common and costly disease in dairy cows.

Another study published in the Journal of Animal Science found that the addition of zinc oxide to the diet of weaned pigs improved their growth performance and reduced the incidence of diarrhea. The study also showed that zinc oxide supplementation improved the gut health of the pigs by increasing the population of beneficial bacteria and reducing the population of harmful bacteria.

A recent review article published in the Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology also highlighted the benefits of zinc oxide in animal feed. The article discussed the role of zinc oxide in improving growth performance, enhancing immune function, and reducing the incidence of diseases in animals. The article also emphasized the importance of using high-quality zinc oxide in animal feed to ensure its effectiveness.

Safe Use of Zinc Oxide in Animal Feed

When it comes to using zinc oxide in animal feed, it is crucial to ensure safe and proper dosing and application to avoid any adverse effects on animal health and consumer safety. The recommended dosing of zinc oxide in animal feed can vary depending on the specific animal species and their age, as well as the type of feed being used. It is important to follow the guidelines and recommendations provided by regulatory agencies and animal nutrition experts to ensure that the dosage is appropriate and safe for the animals.

In addition to proper dosing, it is also essential to ensure the safety of animals and consumers by sourcing high-quality zinc oxide from reputable suppliers. Zinc oxide that is not of animal feed grade may contain impurities or contaminants that could be harmful to animals and humans who consume animal products. Therefore, it is crucial to choose a supplier who can provide the necessary documentation to ensure that the zinc oxide meets the necessary quality standards and is safe for use in animal feed.

Furthermore, it is important to ensure that the zinc oxide is stored properly to maintain its quality and effectiveness. This includes storing the zinc oxide in a dry, cool, and well-ventilated area away from sunlight and moisture. The storage area should also be free from any potential contaminants that could affect the quality of the zinc oxide.

Zinc Oxide Suppliers for Animal Feed

When it comes to choosing a zinc oxide supplier for animal feed grade, it is important to prioritize quality and reliability. A reliable supplier will provide high-quality zinc oxide that is safe and effective for use in animal feed, ensuring that animals receive the necessary nutrients for optimal health and growth.

One such reputable supplier is Glochem Industries Limited, based in Thailand. Glochem is committed to providing top-quality animal feed grade zinc oxide, and their products are regularly tested for purity, consistency, and safety. They have years of experience in the industry and work closely with customers to ensure their specific needs are met.

Sourcing from a reputable supplier like Glochem ensures that animal feed grade zinc oxide is produced using strict quality control measures and adheres to industry standards. This not only benefits the animals but also the consumers who depend on animal products for their own health and well-being.

In addition to quality and reliability, a good zinc oxide supplier for animal feed grade should also offer competitive pricing, excellent customer service, and timely delivery. When choosing a supplier, it is important to do your research and compare options to find the best fit for your specific needs. By choosing a reliable supplier, you can rest assured that your animals are receiving the best possible nutrition and care.


In conclusion, animal feed grade zinc oxide plays a vital role in ensuring the growth and health of animals. Its benefits include promoting growth and development, improving immune function, aiding in digestion and nutrient absorption, and preventing and treating diarrhea in animals. It is essential to source high-quality zinc oxide from reputable suppliers to ensure the safety and efficacy of the product. By incorporating zinc oxide into animal feed, farmers and animal owners can provide their animals with the necessary nutrients to lead healthy and productive lives. As such, the importance of using high-quality animal feed grade zinc oxide cannot be overstated.